The Time in Arizonaa!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 34 My new hair do! Like it?

Hellooo!! This week, as usual has been awesome! (:
Started off the week with good ole pday and guess what?  Sister Stovall, my awesome companion is a cosmetologist and so she experimented with my hair.. Well I love it! And everyone tells me how cute it is, so I'm pretty content.  ;)

Tuesday was a pretty good day too! As it normally goes, we had district meeting, it was last district meeting before transfers, so of course we had to get pictures! How cute are we! After that it was just a normal day for missionary work (:

Wednesday we had a transfer meeting, and it was so funny because like no one recognized me.. A sister came up to me and was like, "Are you new?" and a few seconds later realized that it was me.. she went on to say, "Oh my, I'm so embarrassed... haha" So yeah, the hair thing made a really good impression on all the missionaries and the mission president. haha.
Thursday we had a lesson with a new investigator, named Lauren. She's 10 years old and SUPER cute. We are teaching her next week too! Her parents had previously taken the missionary lessons but weren't ready to join the church. But Lauren is the light in her family. She actually talked to a member about getting baptized. She went up to the member and said, "I've been reading my bible lately, and coming to church and feeling the spirit but i feel I need to do something more... I think I need to get baptized."  And with her parents permission, we started teaching her! So cute!
Friday was a great planning day, after planning though we went back to the apartment because Sister Stovall wasn't feeling to hot. She was super congested and just needed to sleep. I did lots of studying and area book work for the next couple days. I did lots of cleaning as well.
Sunday I was able to go with one of the other sisters that lives with us, to go to present the temple presentation, super good day, and we started prepping for pday! Anyways love all of you and miss you like crazy! Hope to hear from you soon!
Sister Holcomb (:
4776 E. Guadalupe Rd.
Gilbert AZ 85234

The almost completed Gilbert Temple

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